Category Archive: Associates

  1. Jean Sloan

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    Jean Sloan is a specialist in Primary Assessment. She has extensive experience of assessment issues and developments in Early Years, KS1 and KS2 including assessment for learning, moderation of teacher assessment judgements and statutory end of key stage assessments.

    As an accredited QCDA EYFSP moderator and Regional Rep for AIA (Association for Achievement and Improvement through Assessment) Jean has held the roles of EYFSP Moderation Manager and KS2 LA Assessment Coordinator. Today, she continues in the role of KS1 Moderation Manager for Manchester L.A and is commissioned by the DFE to quality assure the process of moderation nationally.

    As an independent consultant Jean actively promotes all aspects of assessment for learning to improve the quality of learning and teaching, raise attainment and make a positive impact on children’s learning.

  2. Anne Butler

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    Anne Butler is a specialist in Primary Maths.

    She taught in Manchester schools for 18 years.

    She became a numeracy consultant for Manchester in 1999 and trained teachers in the numeracy strategy. She worked alongside teachers in the classroom and supported subject leaders in their role.

    In 2008 she left the authority and set up a consultancy 3A* and has continued to support schools to develop their teaching of mathematics.

    She became a trainer for the Every Child Counts programme and then was an associate national trainer.

    She also tutors primary children in maths.

    Her aim is to give children the confidence to achieve in mathematics and to realise that maths is fun!

  3. Jenny Hersey

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    Jenny Hersey is a specialist in Primary Maths and AFL. As a Maths Subject Leader she managed and led her school through two successful Ofsteds and became a Lead Maths Teacher for Southwark Council.

    In her previous post as a consultant for Manchester City Council she worked closely with Maths Subject Leaders to improve attainment, as well as deliver bespoke training to schools. In 2009 she led the city wide Maths APP Champions network.

    She is an advocate of Assessment for Learning and has worked with a number of Primary schools on developing principles, systems and training. Jenny works with subject leaders to become more confident in the leadership and management of the learning and teaching in mathematics in order to help raise attainment and improve pupil progress.

    Jenny has successfully run the Maths Subject Leader Network Meetings with EY2P since 2011.

  4. Jan Owens

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    Jan Owens specialises in Primary English and literacy intervention programmes for KS1, 2 and 3. She has over thirty years experience in primary education as a teacher, consultant and Reading Recovery Teacher Leader. Jan’ s professional CPD includes successful completion of: NPQH, M.Ed (Curriculum Studies), M.A. (Literacy Learning and Literacy Difficulties).

    Jan is one of three partners in EY2P, providing consultancy and training support across many schools in Greater Manchester. School support has included all aspects of English as well as quality assurance and evaluation activities to identify priorities and action planning. Consistently positive feedback from schools supports Jan’s proven track record of effective consultancy and training. She works closely with schools to ensure their priorities are addressed and her approach is practical and flexible.

    As part of the EY2P team, Jan is involved in the planning and delivery of highly successful universal training. She is also a qualified trainer for a range of literacy interventions which include: Wave 3 Fischer Family Trust; Inference Training for KS2 and 3; Write Away Together; Boosting Reading Potential for Primary (BR@P); Talking Partners @ Primary (TP@P) and Nurturing Talk @ Primary (NT@P).

    Jan is an approved Reading Recovery Teacher Leader provider with the Institute of Education (University College London) and supports reading recovery teachers across the North West.

    In her previous post with a large local authority, Jan provided consultancy support in schools as well as successfully leading and managing the implementation of city wide projects, for example: network meetings focused on raising attainment in all aspects of English; enriching literacy across the curriculum; planning, coordinating and managing funded projects to support the professional development of trainees, NQTs and RQTs.