Better Reading Partners Intervention Programme (N.B. A two day training course)
Tuesday, 29 May 2012
09:30 -15:30
Madeleine Lindley Ltd Conference Centre
Broadgate, Broadway Business Park
0L9 9XA
Broadgate, Broadway Business Park
0L9 9XA
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This is the second day of a two day course. Booking details can be found here.
This course aims to:
- Provide training to teachers and TAs in delivering a high quality one-to-one reading intervention programme for pupils aged 6yrs to 11yrs to narrow the gap in reading attainment
- Equip teachers and TAs to:
- Assess and analyse reading assessments to identify pupil gaps in learning
- Deliver precision intervention to ensure accelerated progress
N.B. It is advised that a teacher as well as a TA attends the training to ensure maximum impact on pupil attainment within your school
For further details: See our Universal Training page or contact our trainers:
- Jan Owens: 07825 738 486
N.B. All costs specified are for both training days
- £190 + VAT per delegate
School package deals:
- 2 delegate places £360 + VAT
- 3 delegate places £480 + VAT
- 4 delegate places £420 + VAT
Book tickets
Online bookings are not available for this event.
Please make sure to read our terms and conditions before booking an event.