Repeat course due to popular demand

Part 1: Monday 16th May, 9am-12.30pm 

Part 2: Monday 23rd May, 9am-12.30pm

Registration 8.45am

A two half-day professional development online course to equip practitioners to implement a one-to-one intervention to raise attainment in reading, as well as developing a skill base to support pupils’ general reading development from Y1 to Y6

‘Boosting Reading@Primary’ (BR@P) is a 10 week highly structured and evidence based one-to-one intervention programme for Y1 to Y6 pupils reading just below the expected standard for their age.

(It is recommended a teacher accompanies TA delegates to ensure maximum impact on pupil attainment within your school)

Target Audience: English Subject Leaders, Reading Leads, SENCOs, Teachers and TAs

Trainers: Leah Freeman (EY2P Associates)

This course will address:

  • Understanding of the teaching of reading and how pupils learn to read
  • Supporting pupils to become skilled independent problem-solvers drawing on a range of reading strategies
  • The use of key teaching prompts to support the application of effective reading skills
  • Development of comprehension and vocabulary
  • How to implement a clear lesson structure to raise attainment in reading
  • The use of high-quality formative assessment, observation and effective analysis of pupils’ reading to inform next steps in learning and precision teaching.

Contact: Hayley Wynne OR 07935 352639


£150 + VAT per delegate with BRP booklet

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