Registration at 12.45pm

The Autumn 2020 EYFS Leadership Meeting will:

  • Share updates on current national priorities including:

– EYFS within the context of COVID-19

– Ofsted 2019/20

– New EYFS Framework 

  • Provide CPD linked directly to the new EYFS Framework, focusing this term on effective teaching and learning within Communication and Language, including:

– New pathways in learning across broad ages and stages

– Explicit links across all areas of learning (vocabulary & sentence structure)

– Strategies to support precision teaching, closing the attainment gap

– Links to the new Characteristics of Effective Learning

– Key messages on the essential role of the adult within the new Framework

‘The development of children’s spoken language underpins all seven areas of learning and development’ – New EYFS Framework 2020

  •  Provide networking opportunities for delegates to share good practice

* Ongoing CPD based on the new EYFS Framework, is essential for all practitioners to prepare for statutory implementation in September 2021. All key messages and shared documentation will support the development of high-quality provision, within EYFS for all schools during 20/21 and beyond.

Each delegate will receive a full electronic training pack to support ongoing CPD in school.

Due to current COVID -19 context, dates for the Summer 2021 Leadership Meetings will be released nearer the time.

Trainers: Hayley Wynne & Ruth Levy


Hayley Wynne – OR 07935 352639

Ruth Levy – OR 07850 452626


Single ticket – £90 + VAT per delegate

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