Registration at 12.45pm


The Autumn 2018 English Leadership Meeting will:

  • Share updates on current national priorities
  • Provide networking opportunities to share good practice and discuss implications for your schools

N.B. A more detailed agenda will be published during the Autumn term in response to national updates and delegate requests

Trainers: Ruth Levy  and Ann Carney (EY2P Associate)

Contact:  Ruth Levy – OR 07850 452 626


Single ticket – £95+ VAT per delegate

Package 1 – £270 + VAT (£90 + VAT per delegate) – if a place is booked and purchased on all of the following three Leadership Meetings (i.e. Early Years, Maths, English) at the beginning of each term N.B. If you are making a Package 1 booking, please ensure that all dates required for the term are booked at the same time.

Package 2 – £270 + VAT (£90 + VAT per delegate) – if a place is booked and purchased on all three English Leadership Meetings (i.e. autumn, spring, summer) at the beginning of the academic year N.B. If you are making a Package 2 booking, please ensure that all dates required for the year are booked at the same time.

Book tickets

Bookings are closed for this event.

Please make sure to read our terms and conditions before booking an event.