Registration at 8.45am

The course will :

  • Identify high value learning objectives in the nursery autumn term within communication & language, reading and writing
  • Explore effective teaching approaches
  • Share strategies to narrow the gap in attainment
  • Facilitate networking opportunities for delegates to share good practice

Each delegate will receive a comprehensive electronic training pack, including planning for two quality texts.

Trainers: Hayley Wynne & Ruth Levy

Target Audience: Nursery practitioners


Hayley Wynne – OR 07935 352639

Ruth Levy – OR 07850 452626


Single ticket – £95 + VAT per delegate

Package Offer – All three termly Progression in Nursery Literacy meetings:  £270.00 (i.e. for Autumn, Spring & Summer) NB: All three meetings must be booked at once. At the beginning of each term, we will email you to remind you about the date of your Progression in Nursery Literacy meeting.

Book tickets

Bookings are closed for this event.

Please make sure to read our terms and conditions before booking an event.