EY2P Update Covid-19 : Training & Consultancy

Registration 8.45am

A half day course to support the effective teaching of Guided Reading in KS2

Trainers: Jan Owens and Ruth Levy

This course will address:

  • Effective teaching of guided reading to ensure 2014 English National Curriculum learning objectives are being met
  • The use of guided reading to raise pupil attainment
  • Organisation and structure of a daily reading workshop which includes guided and independent reading
  • Establishing clear learning outcomes for all reading workshop activities which focus on the basic skills of word reading and comprehension
  • Implementation of effective formative assessments linked to the 2014 English National Curriculum to inform teaching, learning and differentiation

Contact: Jan Owensjan@ey2p.org OR 07825 738486

Target Audience: KS2 Teachers, NQTs, RQTs and TAs

(It is recommended a teacher accompanies TA delegates to ensure maximum impact on pupil attainment)


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