EY2P Update Covid-19 : Training & Consultancy

Registration at 12.45pm

This course will:

  1. Share updates on current national priorities, including:  New EYFS Statutory Framework 2024; Ofsted 2024; EYFS Profile Update; Teaching and Learning (including SEND provision); & Additional Updates
  2. Explore quality assurance indicators within EYFS to ensure high quality provision for all children, focusing on adaptive teaching approaches
  3. Share key considerations within the EYFS Framework working in partnership with the EYFS Leader:
    – New Statutory Framework
    – Adaptive teaching approaches to narrow the attainment gap
  4. Provide networking opportunities to share good practice and discuss implications for your schools

Audience: Head Teachers and Deputy Head Teachers

Trainers: Hayley Wynne & Ruth Levy


Hayley Wynne – hayley@ey2p.org OR 07935 352639

Ruth Levy – ruth@ey2p.org OR 07850 452626


Single ticket – £70 + VAT per delegate

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