Registration at 9.15am

A 1.5 hour briefing to provide:

  • Current national updates, including: Ofsted 2020/21 (Interim Visits / Maths Deep Dive); Maths within the context of COVID-19 (Catch-up funding and provision / Accelerating progress / Remote Learning); and New EYFS Framework (Key messages for Maths Leaders)
  • Presentation from  a  Manchester Primary School: Ensuring the lowest 20% make progress
  • An overview of the non-statutory guidance for Maths
  • Networking opportunities for delegates to share good practice

Due to the current COVID-19 context, dates for Spring & Summer 2021 will be released nearer the time.

Trainers: Jenny Hersey (EY2P Associate) and  Hayley Wynne

Target Audience: Maths Leaders, SLT, HT


Hayley Wynne – OR 07935 352639


Single ticket – £50 + VAT per delegate

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