EVENT FULLY BOOKED - please contact us for alternative dates.
New EYFS Framework for Experienced EYFS Practitioners
Registration at 12.45pm
This course will:
- Share key changes within the new EYFS statutory requirements
- Facilitate discussion on the implementation of the new Seven Key Features of Effective Practice
- Provide an overview of teaching and learning requirements for nursery and reception, with reference to: (i) Educational Programmes (ii) Pathways in Learning (iii) Early Learning Goals
- Support accurate practitioner assessment judgements, including baseline guidance
- Include clear links to the current Ofsted Inspection Framework
EYFS Leaders who have attended our termly SLT EYFS Briefings during 20/21 do not need to attend
Trainers: Hayley Wynne & Ruth Levy
Contact: Hayley Wynne – hayley@ey2p.org or 07935 352639
Ruth Levy – ruth@ey2p.org 0r 07850 452626
Audience: Experienced EYFS practitioners, including teachers and teaching assistants
£90 + VAT per delegate
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This event is fully booked.
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