A full day course across two separate sessions:

Part 1: Tuesday 17th October, 9am – 12pm

Part 2: Tuesday 14th November, 9am – 12pm

Registration: 8.45am

This course will:

  • Outline key priorities within the EYFS Leadership role
  • Support implementation of the EYFS Statutory Framework
  • Provide guidance and supporting materials to implement the seven key features of effective practice within the new EYFS Framework, including: quality assure of teaching and learning; moderation and ensuring accurate practitioner best-fit assessment judgements; analyse of data; ensuring smooth transitions into, through and beyond EYFS
  • Support self-evaluation and action planning, taking into consideration of the Education Inspection Framework 2023

Target audience:

Trainers: Hayley Wynne and Ruth Levy


Hayley Wynne – hayley@ey2p.org or 07935 352639

Ruth Levy – ruth@ey2p.org or 07850 452626


£175 + VAT per delegate.


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