EVENT FULLY BOOKED - please contact us for alternative dates.
Transition: EYFS Into Year 1 within the context of COVID-19
A full day course across two separate sessions:
Part 1 – 13th July 9.00am -12.00pm
Part 2 – 14th July 1.00pm-4.00pm
Registration at 8.45am
Course aims:
- To share key messages on uninterrupted progress as children move from EYFS into Y1, within the context of COVID-19
- To explore the effective transition from the EYFS Framework into the NC Y1 Programmes of Study
- To support the development of a quality learning environment which provides continuity and progression from EYFS
- To discuss the implementation of an appropriate teaching model which enables quality teaching and learning for all groups
- To explore the crucial role of the adult, ensuring high quality learning and progress for all children
- To accelerate progress for identified children across all attainment groups: within school; through home learning; in partnership with integrated services
NB: In addition to this course, we will also be facilitating termly Y1 Network Meetings, through the academic year of 2020-21.
Hayley Wynne – hayley@ey2p.org or 07935 352639
Ruth Levy – ruth@ey2p.org or 07850 452626
Target audience: HTs, DHTs, EYFS & KS1 Leaders, and Y1 practitioners
Full day price £140 + VAT
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This event is fully booked.
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