
A three day course to support raising attainment in early reading and writing of Y1 to Y4 pupils

This course will aim to address:

  • Raising attainment in reading and writing of:
    • Y1 and Y2 pupils working at below average in relation to national expectations
    • Y3 and Y4 pupils working at low average in relation to national expectations
  • Tailoring of learning programmes to address individual pupil learning needs to ensure accelerated progress
  • Effective teaching of reading and writing in response to selected assessment procedures


Jan Owens


£360 + VAT per delegate

2 delegate places: £660 + VAT

3 delegate places:£850 + VAT

(Additional cost of £65 + VAT per school for 1 resource file. If additional files are required please contact Jan Owens by email:

A booking will be for all three dates (18, 24 and 31 January).

Book tickets

Bookings are closed for this event.

Please make sure to read our terms and conditions before booking an event.