Part 1: Thursday 18th November, 9am-12pm

Part 2: Thursday 25th November, 9am-12pm

Registration 8.45am

A two half-day professional development online course to equip practitioners to implement a one to one group intervention to raise attainment in writing.

‘Write Away Together’ is a highly structured and evidence based one-to-one intervention programme for Y2 to Y6 pupils who are working below national expectations. The length of intervention is for a minimum of 10 weeks.

(it is recommended a teacher accompanies TA delegates to ensure maximum impact on pupil attainment)

Target Audience: English Subject Leaders, Writing Leads, SENCOs, Teachers and TAs

Trainer: Jan Owens (EY2P Associate)

This course will address:

  • The implementation of a clear structure for writing support
  • Improving writing by focusing on pupils’ word choices, sentence variations and text coherence
  • Embedding strategies that will improve pupils’ independent writing
  • The use of assessment to support precision teaching
  • The development of the intervention as a basis for guided writing

Contact: Hayley Wynne – OR 07935 352639


Single ticket: £195 + VAT

N.B. Price includes 1 training/resource file per school. If additional resources required please contact

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