These menus give an overview of the research based interventions which we provide to support accelerated pupil progress in different aspects of English. Schools can attend our intervention training by attending our brochure events or can request school based training. If consultancy support is required beyond the delivery of the intervention training, the following menu of support can be requested:

  • Support meeting to identify which pupils qualify for which intervention based on formative evidence and data, in particular progress data
  • Observations of early intervention lessons to evaluate whether teachers/teaching assistants are implementing programmes with fidelity to the key teaching principles to ensure pupils make accelerated progress
  • Briefing all class teachers on the chosen interventions, with an emphasis on application of key strategies to be implemented in quality first teaching
  • Continual monitoring of pupil progress on a fortnightly basis, including ‘benchmark’ points which demonstrate pupils are making the expected accelerated progress during the intervention programme
  • Establishing follow up assessments of pupils who received intervention on a regular basis to ensure progress is maintained, and if not, identifying what needs to be put in place to maintain their progress

All consultancy support programmes will be developed to ensure your school priorities are addressed. If there is something that is not specified in the above information which you need in your school, contact us and we will try to help you.

To view the detail of the individual interventions, click on a title to expand it out. You can click it again to contract it back.

Reading Recovery

Please email for enquiries and details about Reading Recovery Training taking place in the North West.

Wave 3 FFT Intervention

This is a three-day course to support raising pupil attainment in early reading and writing. Wave 3 FFT is a 10-20 week highly structured intervention programme delivered by Teaching Assistants to raise attainment in early reading and writing. It is aimed at Y1 and 2 pupils to ensure pupils are on track to achieve age related expectations in both reading and writing. It can also be used effectively with targeted pupils in Y3 and 4 to support accelerated progress to narrow the gap towards attaining age related expectations.

The three day course addresses:

  • Developing a deeper understanding of the learning needs of pupils who experience literacy difficulties
  • Supporting practitioners in effective observation with an emphasis on analysing pupil strengths and gaps in learning
  • Implementation and analysis of specified assessment procedures linked to the intervention programme
  • The daily lesson structure of the intervention programme and underlying principles
  • Effective teaching of reading and writing in response to analysis of assessments and lesson outcomes with a focus on accelerated learning and attainment
  • Tailoring of learning programmes to address individual pupil learning needs to ensure accelerated progress
  • Links to quality first teaching in relation to guided reading and writing

If school follow up visits are required, the focus would include:

  • Accurate/appropriate pupil selection based on evidence provided
  • Analysis of baseline assessment and next steps to ensure they inform early acceleration
  • Observation of lessons to ensure next steps lead to accelerated learning at any point within the programme
  • Accurate end of programme assessments
  • Identifying next steps to support pupil progress in class context
  • Procedures for monitoring progress on a regular basis after intervention has ended, to ensure attainment is being maintained within the classroom context

Boosting Reading@Primary (BR@P)

This is a one-day course to equip practitioners to implement a one to one group intervention to raise attainment in reading, as well as developing a skill base to support pupils’ general reading development from Y1 to Y6

‘Boosting Reading@Primary’ is a one-to-one intervention programme targeted at Y1 to Y6 pupils. The intervention lessons are delivered three times per week by teaching assistants for 10 weeks. Each session lasts for 15 minutes and includes:

  • Practising independent reading skills on familiar texts
  • Developing pace and fluency in reading
  • Ongoing assessment
  • Working on unfamiliar text with support, leading to independence and understanding

The one-day course will address:

  • In-depth knowledge of the reading process
  • Supporting pupils to become skilled independent problem-solvers drawing on a range of reading strategies
  • The use of key teaching prompts to support the application of effective reading skills
  • Development of comprehension and vocabulary
  • How to implement a clear lesson structure to raise attainment in reading
  • The use of assessment and observation to inform next steps in pupils’ learning

If school follow up visits are required, the focus would include:

  • Accurate and appropriate pupil selection on evidence provided
  • Analysis of reading decoding and comprehension data and next steps to inform accelerated progress
  • Observation and lesson study with TAs, English Subject Leaders and/or SENDCo to ensure next steps lead to accelerated learning at any point within the intervention programme
  • Accurate end of programme assessments
  • Identifying next steps to support intervention pupils’ progress in the class context
  • Procedures for monitoring progress on a regular basis after intervention has ended to ensure attainment is being maintained

Raising Attainment in KS2 and KS3 Comprehension: Inference Training

This is a one-day course to equip practitioners to implement a group intervention to raise attainment in pupils’ inferential comprehension, as well as applying the key intervention principles and strategies in the classroom context.

‘Inference Training’ is a research-based group intervention for KS2 and KS3 pupils, with a focus on teaching reading comprehension, and delivered by teachers or teaching assistants. This intervention programme supports accelerated pupil progress by an average of 12 months progress in comprehension over a period of 10 weeks.

The one-day course addresses:

  • Raising attainment in reading for KS2 and KS3 pupils who have age appropriate decoding skills but who are experiencing difficulty acquiring full meaning and enjoyment from their reading
  • Key characteristics of reading comprehension
  • Explicit identification of individual pupil difficulties in comprehending texts
  • How to deliver a structured approach to the teaching of Inference Intervention sessions
  • Applying key principles of ‘Inference Training’ Intervention to quality first teaching in the classroom context
  • How to evaluate impact on data and effectiveness on pupil attainment and accelerated progress

If school follow up visits are required, the focus would include:

  • Accurate and appropriate pupil selection on evidence provided
  • Analysis of reading comprehension data and next steps to inform accelerated progress
  • Observation and lesson study with TAs, English Subject Leaders and/or SENDCo to ensure next steps lead to accelerated learning at any point within the intervention programme
  • Accurate end of programme assessments
  • Identifying next steps to support intervention pupils’ progress in the class context
  • Procedures for monitoring progress on a regular basis after intervention has ended to ensure attainment is being maintained

Write Away Together

This is a one-day course to equip practitioners to implement a one to one group intervention to raise attainment in writing, as well as developing a skill base to support pupils’ general writing development from Y2 to Y6

‘Write Away Together’ is a one-to-one intervention programme targeted at Y2 to Y6 pupils. The intervention lessons are delivered twice per week by teaching assistants for a minimum of 10 weeks. Each session lasts for 20 – 30 minutes and includes:

  • Supporting pupils to develop key strategies for evaluating and improving their writing
  • A focus on the key areas of grammar to ensure effective composition
  • Ongoing assessment

The one-day course will address:

  • The implementation of a clear structure to support the improvement of pupils’ writing
  • Assessment for learning, identifying key next steps to improve writing
  • The key elements of grammar (i.e. text cohesion, word choice, sentence structure and punctuation) to support effective composition
  • Guidance on implementing the programme as a small group intervention
  • How key principles of the programme can support shared and guided writing

 If school follow up visits are required, the focus would include:

  • Accurate and appropriate pupil selection on writing evidence provided
  • Analysis of writing in relation to text cohesion, word choice, sentence structure and punctuation, with next steps to inform accelerated progress
  • Observation and lesson study with TAs, English Subject Leaders and/or SENDCo to ensure next steps lead to accelerated learning at any point within the intervention programme
  • Accurate end of programme assessments
  • Identifying next steps to support intervention pupils’ progress in the class context
  • Procedures for monitoring progress on a regular basis after intervention has ended to ensure attainment is being maintained

Talking Partners @ Primary

This is a one-day course to equip practitioners to implement a group intervention to support pupil development in effective speaking and listening skills related to reading comprehension and vocabulary development

‘Talking Partners’ is a 10 week highly structured intervention programme for EYFS to Y6 pupils with a focus on developing comprehension and vocabulary. The intervention lessons are delivered three times per week by teaching assistants.

The one-day course will address:

  • The development of pupils’ confidence and competency to listen actively and communicate for a range of purposes
  • Provision of a structured oral language programme to improve pupils’ speaking and listening skills
  • Effective use of the strong links between oral language and literacy i.e. reading comprehension, vocabulary and spoken grammatical structures
  • Implications for quality first teaching using principles and practice of the intervention programme

If school follow up visits are required, the focus would include:

  • Accurate and appropriate pupil selection on aspects of reading and writing evidence provided
  • Analysis of writing in relation to text cohesion, word choice and sentence structure
  • Analysis of reading comprehension and vocabulary
  • Observation and lesson study with TAs, English Subject Leaders and/or SENDCo to ensure next steps lead to accelerated learning at any point within the intervention programme
  • Accurate end of programme assessments
  • Identifying next steps to support intervention pupils’ progress in the class context
  • Procedures for monitoring progress on a regular basis after intervention has ended to ensure attainment is being maintained

Nurturing Talk@Primary (NT@P)

Information coming soon! Any queries, please contact

Consultancy Rates

Please contact us to find out more details about our consultancy rates.