Raising Attainment in Reading
Thursday, 31 May 2012
09:30 -15:30
Madeleine Lindley Ltd Conference Centre
Broadgate, Broadway Business Park
0L9 9XA
Broadgate, Broadway Business Park
0L9 9XA
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This course aims to address:
- Reading in the context of the Ofsted Inspection Framework 2012
- A whole school approach to the teaching of reading
- Developing guided reading to ensure maximum impact on pupil attainment, including the variations in lesson structures between KS1 and KS2
- Practical strategies to teach and develop pupils’ comprehension skills
- The place of individual reading instruction and how to ensure quality that leads to accelerated progress
- Provision for daily reading practice
- Analysing and assessing children’s reading development to inform next steps in learning
- Whole school procedures in assessing and tracking reading attainment.
Times: 9:30am – 3.30pm (9am registration) including lunch
For further details: See our Universal Training page or contact our trainers:
- Jan Owens: 07825 738 486
- Ruth Levy: 07850 452 626
Costs: The total cost is £95 + VAT
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