Description of training provided


Raising Attainment in KS2 and KS3 Reading: ‘Inference Training’

Inference training is a research-based group intervention for KS2 and KS3 pupils with a focus on teaching reading comprehension delivered by teachers or teaching assistants. This intervention programme supports accelerated pupil progress by an average of 12 months progress in comprehension age (2/3 sub levels) over a period of 10 weeks

A one-day course to support teachers and teaching assistants to raise attainment in reading both within the classroom setting and through use of intervention.

Target Audience: Literacy Leaders, KS2 & KS3 Teachers and TAs. (It is recommended a teacher accompanies TA delegates to ensure maximum impact on pupil attainment within your school)

This course aims to address:

  • Raising attainment in reading for KS2 and KS3 pupils who have age appropriate decoding skills but who are experiencing difficulty acquiring full meaning and enjoyment from their reading
  • Key characteristics of reading comprehension
  • Explicit identification of individual pupil difficulties in comprehending texts
  • How to deliver a structured approach to the teaching of inference intervention sessions
  • Applying key principles of the inference intervention to quality first teaching within the classroom context
  • How to evaluate impact on data and effectiveness

Trainer: Jan Owen

Talking Partners – A Speaking and Listening Intervention for EYFS to Y6 pupils

Talking Partners is a 10-week highly structured intervention programme delivered by Teaching Assistants. A two-day course to support the development of effective speaking and listening skills of pupils ranging from EYFS to Y6

Target Audience: English Subject Leaders, SENCos, Teachers and TAs

This course aims to address:

  • The development of pupils’ confidence and competency to listen actively and communicate for a range of purposes
  • Provision of a structured oral language programme to improve pupils’ speaking and listening skills
  • Effective use of the strong links between oracy and literacy i.e. reading comprehension, talk for writing and grammatical structures
  • Implications for quality first teaching using principles and practice of the intervention programme

Trainer: Jan Owens

Write Away Together

Write Away Together is an intervention strategy to improve writing in Y2 to Y6.A two half days course to support the effective teaching of writing through one to one and group intervention.

Target Audience: English Subject Leaders, Teachers and TAs.

This course aims to address:

  • Provision of a clear structure for writing support
  • Improving writing at text, sentence and word level
  • Strategies to improve pupils’ independent writing
  • Assessing the progress of pupils’ writing skills over time

Trainer: Jan Owens