EY2P Update Covid-19 : Training & Consultancy

New course

Registration: 8.45am


This course will…

* Support analysis of baseline data to inform implementation of the curriculum

* Provide guidance on adaptive teaching approaches

* Explore effective strategies to narrow the gap through

  • Adult-led activities [ shared and guided]
  • Independent and child-initiated learning
  • Home learning

* Share systems to set realistic and ambitious targets at group and pupil level

* Provide networking opportunities to share good practice and identify key next steps

Target audience: Assessment Lead, EYFS Lead, Nursery and Reception teachers

Trainers: Hayley Wynne and Ruth Levy


Hayley Wynne – hayley@ey2p.org or 07935 352639

Ruth Levy – ruth@ey2p.org or 07850 452626


£95 + VAT per delegate.


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x Standard Ticket
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