Registration at 9.15am
This briefing will…
- Provide an overview of current and national EYFS updates, including: Ofsted 2023; Closing the Gap in Attainment; and Additional Updates
- Explore quality assurance indicators within EYFS to ensure high quality provision for all children, focusing on: Provision Enhancements / Weekly Challenges
- Share key considerations within the new EYFS Framework, with regards to monitoring children’s access to a broad and balanced curriculum
- Provide networking opportunities for delegates to share good practice
A more detailed agenda will be published in the spring term in response to national updates
Audience: Head Teachers and Deputy Head Teachers
Trainers: Hayley Wynne & Ruth Levy
Hayley Wynne – OR 07935 352639
Ruth Levy – OR 07850 452626
Single ticket – £65 + VAT per delegate
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