Repeated course due to popular demand

A full day course across two separate sessions:

Part 1 – 14th October 1-4pm

Part 2 – 21st October 1-4pm


Registration: 12.45pm


This course will:

  • Provide an overview of ‘expected’ writing outcomes across the reception year, term by term within the new EYFS Framework
  • Explain the teaching requirements within writing provision, both adult-led and child-initiated
  • Explore the teaching of writing through quality texts, within an effective ‘Teaching Sequence for Writing’
  • Provide guidance on the moderation and analysis of practitioner ‘best-fit’ judgements using the Development Matters 2020, to ensure accuracy of data to inform precision teaching
  • Discuss planning to address accelerated progress towards ‘diminishing the difference’ in pupil attainment

*NB: Delegates will receive a set of planning for three quality texts, one for each term

Audience: Reception practitioners, teachers and teaching assistants; English Leads

Here are some testimonials from delegates who have recently attended our online training:

  • Inspirational, motivating and practical to implement. So often the practicalities are not considered in other training. Thank you!
  • Just what I needed. As someone new to EYFS, this course provided much needed guidance and information regarding early writing.
  • Yet another fantastic course! Really enjoyed it and can see how it will affect my teaching already!
  • Really enjoyable course, very informative and lots of ideas to take back to school – very inspirational. Thank you!
  • The ideas and thorough planning material were excellent as always with EY2P.


Trainers: Hayley Wynne and Ruth Levy.


Hayley Wynne – or 07935 352639

Ruth Levy – or 07850 452626


Full day £150 + VAT per delegate


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